There, I was just sitting on my chair,
Came my cute little dog swiftly so near

I wondered why people always said dog’s life was so unfair,
But I could tell you mine is apparently more hard to bear

Still we have some of the things quite common,
Both of us want to live our lives so much on our own
Both greed for a thing, he for his meal and I for satisfaction

Only difference is that, he always did whatever he wanted,
And here I am sitting distressed and so much bounded

Dog, when works so hard, roams, gets kicked for food but is failed,
Next morning has all his pain already completely healed

But when it comes to me, I ain’t that very sure,
Can I move on or is it hard for my failures to be endured?

No tests and trial runs he has to win,
Doesn’t hold any pressure to fulfill his parent’s dreams

No complicated relationships he has to sort out,
Isn’t either clouded by grudging rules and doubt

No matter what a dog pays for his loyalty,
Is still equally that steady and faithful
But if someday, my loyalty is questioned,
Am I sure to still continue it to its full?

He just requires a buddy to recreate and meet,
But here, I have friends just for benefit

No dad, mom to set his targets, he sets all by his own,
No carrying the load for his kins, they too move on their own

No burden to carry himself perfectly in mass,
But I always need to tense myself dressing well in every task

No language, words or phrases he knows to talk,
Still comprehends himself with all forms of his walk
Thank God! I at least have some means to communicate,
But still I crave for all those branded mobiles, all very latest

So much my dog enjoys his natural exemption,
Though ties a belt around his neck, he isn’t yet tamed that’s my assumption
And here I am, the so-called freedom user, freedom so gravely dealt,
I still call myself, I am tamed without a belt”,
I am tamed without a belt”.


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