So What if I am a Girl?

-Shraddha Acharya
So What if I am a Girl?

Always been a frown to them,
Never had that object done as it dreamt.
A yard away it packed up all its fun and shame,
Only it had to face all those undone blame.
What if it never had gone through such a life of bane?
What if it was rather an object than an unblessed woman?

Never esteemed in its entire life,
Still they call it “she” rather than “it”.
A drastic transformation in pronoun this might sound,
But still “it” is only she and only she is still “it”.
What if she was never given a new pronoun?
What if she was still called “it” but then given a more revere?

Sometimes she dies before her existence and sometimes while existing,
Neither is her fortune her own nor can she control her own misfortune
Constrained always by the “so-macho” world,
She hasn’t either stepped on the track of her own.
What if she petition her own misery to herself and shine,
What if she could stop that famine by her own feminine?

Ever I wonder can she save herself untouched,
Those filthy lanes’, works’ men free her from her hutch.
That time has to come one day when the night tranquil roads are hers,
When the tick-tock on the clock is 11 night and she is still wallowing safely with her works.
What if she affrights never calling a night cab?
What if she is in her shorts and still no one to stare her at all back?

Sometimes arises a pump in my mind,
Did she stayed a month more inside the womb or did she imbibe a bit inside of her mom?
Deserves she more malice if it’s true,
But what if never had she done anything guile.
What if she only had an inutile fault?
A fault that she didn’t carry that “he” pronoun with her birth.

What if she was never just a gender but only a daughter?
What if they were cursed who curse her as a curse?
What if her eyes never shut before they get to open?
What if she was never a quota issue but an issue to be quoted on?
What if never ever in her life, she had to say “What if…” on and on,

What if one day she proudly gets to yell, “So What If I am a Girl?, So What If I am a Girl”?


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